Lindsay Bird Mpetyane MB011515 - Lindsay Bird Mpetyane MB011515 - Lindsay Bird Mpetyane.. Product #: MB011515 based on 1 reviews

MB011515 - Lindsay Bird Mpetyane


Artist: Lindsay Bird Mpetyane
Size: 180 x 120cm
Painting Title: Utnea, Ahakeye and Spear Straightening Dreaming
Medium: Linen
Year Painted: 2000

Title: Utnea, Ahakeye and Spear Straightening Dreaming


Lindsay paints the story of the Utnea, the Ahakeye and straightening spears.  They are very important stories for Lindsay that belongs to his country, Ilkawerne.  These stories, songs, dances and symbols have been passed down to Lindsay from his father.  Lindsay is now a senior custodian for these stories. 


The site of the Utnea story starts at Harper Springs, south west of the Utopia Region.  This story tells of Lindsay’s ancestors travelling as carpet snakes, coming across many waterholes and campsites.  They are hunting and singing their sacred songs, before stopping and changing back to people.  There is one carpet snake named Utnea who is king of all the carpet snakes.  Lindsay says Utnea is the ‘boss man’ for Ilkawerne country.  In this painting, Lindsay depicts Utnea slowly making his way through the country as shown by the wavy line.


The ahakeye, called bush plum in English by Lindsay, is also known as the native currant or citrus.  It belongs to the canthium attenuatum shrub which grows about 3m high.  This shrub produces small white flowers, deep green citrus-like leaves and the ahakeye which are black when ripe and very small.  This fruit is favoured for its sweet taste and can be reconstituted in water if dry. In this painting, white dots represent the flower of the bush plum.


The spears are made from selected limbs of the Mulga Tree.  Limbs selected for the spears are reasonably straight but heat from fire will make any adjustments. Ceremony is performed during the preparation and making of the spears.

Terri on 11-09-2017 03:31 AM
I think the work is fantastic!
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